One single frame of 4K video is made up of 8,294,400 tiny little squares of light. At LT², we pay attention to every single pixel when telling your story whether it's through a video, photo, website, graphic, and more. Our dedication to delivering world-class digital productions with fun, honest, and efficient practices allow us to create the content you need to take your project to the next level.
C L E A N | S I M P L E | P O W E R F U L
We are constantly exploring new technologies and techniques in our field to foster our creativity and deliver stunning results with efficient workflows and quick turnarounds.
LT² constantly strive to create cutting-edge content to deliver your business' message in a compelling way via the digital superhighway of the world wide web.
In 2005, Ryan got his bachelor's degree at the University of California in San Diego, with an Interdisciplinary Computing in the Arts Major (ICAM) and Cognitive Science minor, he became acutely aware of both the endless possibilities of creating art with computers as well as the way in which the human brain perceives it. He dedicated more than a decade of work to world-renown musical manufacturer Drum Workshop, Inc. coding and maintaining their award-winning websites*, starting and managing their social networks, photographing product and musicians, and producing hundreds of videos, as a one-man crew, handling all lighting, cameras, direction, and post-production (editing, coloring, exporting).
He has advanced knowledge and experience in Adobe's Creative Suite as well as Apple computers and most popular apps used with them.
Ryan is inspired by playing drums and guitar, motorcycling, playing ice hockey, surfing, and raising his son.
Alicia has thrived as a world-class corporate Executive Assistant for over a decade due to her passion for organization, communication, and efficiency. She also has a keen creative eye for design and skillful understanding of video, photography, and web-design.
Alicia gains inspiration from playing guitar, camping, decorating, and being a mother. She's a facilitator in every sense of the word, ready to take the lead on your project and make the process of bringing your vision to reality a breeze.